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Big, bold and beautiful – a statement piece for The Sheds!

Anissa Mauger

Updated: Jun 29, 2023

The four shortlisted artists submissions are currently out to the public to vote on which mural will transform our corrugated iron wall on Sheds 3 in the Laneway.

Here is what our shortlisted artists have to say about their submissions.

Rosie Gordon – Reclamation

The Sheds at Brendale Mural Art Rosie

“This image is suited to the space because it feels at home within its surroundings – the foliage complements the natural landscape throughout the complex, and the tractor is a nod to The Sheds overall theme. Moreover, this traditional subject matter is brought into a contemporary context with its bright, modern colour palette and bold, dynamic composition, making it a statement piece that enhances the overall aesthetic of the precinct, while bringing a message of hope to all who visit.”

To find out more about Rosie, visit her on:

Dan K

The Sheds at Brendale Mural Art Dan K

“Dan k here aka Drule_art. I'm local to the area residing in warner for over 10 years.

I believe my style is fun bright and relevant to the area and the vision I see.”

To find out more about Dan, visit his socials:

Sam Bradley – The Larrikin Spirit

The Sheds at Brendale Mural Art Sam

“The mural depicts a stylised Rainbow Lorikeet keeping a curious eye on things from behind a branch of Banksia. I hope this design can encourage good natured fun, feasting and reflection that celebrates the cheeky, mischievous and lovable side of our shared Australian psyche.”

To find out more about Sam, visit him on:

Patrick Indo

The Sheds at Brendale Mural Art Umbrella Girl Pat Indo

“The idea behind my artwork was to bring empowerment of the feminine, The Shed area is very male, I can see you have introduced grass and nature to balance out the steal frameworks, for this reason, I’ve decided to go with bright colours, bold shapes and happy positive theme. Appropriate for all ages and creative in its own right that it won't age with current trends.”

To find out more about Patrick, visit his socials:

These four shortlisted mural pieces are currently out for public vote until 5pm Sunday 30 October.

Visit and help us choose which artwork will transform our wall at The Sheds.



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